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Test 1 / 10

Interlocutor: Now, in this part of the test, you’re going to do something together. Here are some pictures of people in different situations.  First, I’d like you to look at pictures X and Y and talk together.

You have about a minute for this, so don’t worry if I interrupt you.

…………………………………….. [you speak]

Interlocutor: I’d like you to imagine that a television documentary is being produced on working in the food industry. These pictures show some of the issues that are being considered.

Talk together about the different issues related to working in the food industry that these pictures show. Then decide which issue might stimulate the most interest.

Test 2 / 10

Interlocutor: Now, in this part of the test, you’re going to do something together. Here are some pictures of people in different situations.  First, I’d like you to look at pictures X and Y and talk together.

You have about a minute for this, so don’t worry if I interrupt you.

…………………………………….. [you speak]

Interlocutor: I’d like you to imagine these photographs are going to be used in a book about security. I want you to talk together about what aspects of security are covered by each photograph and whether each would be an appropriate photo to use in such a book.

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