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Test 1 / 16

You will hear 5 accounts about people’s jobs and lives.

Task 1

Choose from the list what most excites each speaker about their job.

Speaker 1
Constant change.
Speaker 2
The earning potential.
Speaker 3
New encounters.
Speaker 4
The team dynamics.
Speaker 5
Individual responsibilities.

Task 2

Choose from the list what each speaker’s long-term goal is.

Speaker 1
To establish a reputation.
Speaker 2
To develop additional skills.
Speaker 3
To create new contacts.
Speaker 4
To get family stability.
Speaker 5
To have past achievements to look back on.
Test 2 / 16

You will hear five people talking about their holidays.

Task 1

Choose from the list what the speakers did or would like to do on their holidays.

Speaker 1
Get away from it all on the water.
Speaker 2
Sleep on a stranger’s sofa for a few days.
Speaker 3
Get out into the fresh air.
Speaker 4
Get close to nature and wild animals.
Speaker 5
Giving something back.


Task 2

Choose from the list what they enjoyed about the experience and how they benefited from it.

Speaker 1
Connected with strangers.
Speaker 2
Had the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful buildings.
Speaker 3
Helped me stay beautiful.
Speaker 4
Enjoyed wild creatures expressing themselves.
Speaker 5
Satisfaction at being of use.