ls Work Bad for You?
Popular perception is that working
are now so over-regulated the only people likely to be injured at work are bosses, strangled by tape. But beware a hidden epidemic raging in British workplaces. ln this post-industrial age, when most jobs are in light industry, information technology and the service sector, we expect working life to be relatively comfortable and at the very safe. We don’t expect to be maimed, laid off for life or to work ourselves into the ground.again. ln the UK there are still 1.6 million workplace injuries every year as well as 2.2 million cases of ill health caused by work. Some of these injuries wouldn’t have been out of place in Charles Dickens’ England. Last year 350 people died as a result of building site accidents, a large increase on previous years. But some of the worst dangers are the hidden ones. 400,000 cases of asthma are caused by working conditions, to high levels of dust or traffic pollution, and asbestos still kills over 4,000 people a year.
There are no
at present requiring owners to record the of asbestos, meaning that builders and firefighters have no way of anticipating the problem. However, a non-profit organisation has taken up the issue with a new database in conjunction with the Trades Union Congress.